5 Proven Collection Email Templates to Improve AR Collections

Published on
Sep 18, 2024
Written by
Deniz Ozcan
Read time
1 minute

A/R Automation

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In the world of B2B finance, few areas are as critical—or as challenging—as accounts receivable management. No one likes chasing customers for unpaid invoices. Yet, the timely collection of payments is the lifeblood of any company, directly impacting cash flow, operational stability and growth potential. At the heart of the accounts receivable process is an often-overlooked yet powerful tool – the collection email.

Effective collection emails are far more than just payment reminders. They are strategic communications that can accelerate payment cycles, strengthen client relationships, and significantly improve your company's financial health.

This guide offers a practical approach to elevating your accounts receivable process through expertly crafted collection emails. You will get 5 proven email templates that have helped numerous businesses optimize their dunning. We'll also touch on best practices, potential pitfalls to avoid, and how Tendro can automate the whole process for you.

The Anatomy of an Effective Collection Email

Before diving into specific templates, let's break down the key components that make a collection email both professional and effective:

  1. Clear subject line: Grab attention and convey urgency without being aggressive.
  2. Professional greeting: Personalize it to maintain a professional relationship.
  3. Concise purpose explanation: State the reason for the email upfront.
  4. Specific invoice details: Include amount, due date, and invoice number for clarity.
  5. Clear call-to-action: Tell the client exactly what you want them to do.
  6. Multiple payment options: Make it as easy as possible for the client to pay.
  7. Polite closing: End on a positive note to maintain goodwill.

The tone of your email is crucial. Strike a balance between firmness and courtesy to encourage prompt payment while preserving the relationship. You should always leave room for mistakes and miscommunications and keep your messaging respectful.

5 Proven Collection Email Templates

1. The Friendly Reminder

2. The Past Due Notice

3. The Final Warning

4. The Payment Plan Proposal

5. The Thank You and Preventive Measure

Best Practices for Using Collection Email Templates

While these templates provide a solid foundation, it's important to tailor them to your business's voice and specific client relationships. Consider these best practices to maximize effectiveness:

  1. Personalization: Go beyond just using the client's name. Reference specific projects or long-standing relationships to show that you value their business.
  2. Timing is key: Send the first reminder a few days before the due date. Follow up at strategic intervals (e.g., 1 day after due date, 7 days after, 14 days after).
  3. Escalate gradually: Start with friendly reminders and gradually increase urgency with each subsequent email.
  4. Provide multiple payment options: The easier you make it to pay, the more likely you are to receive prompt payment.
  5. Use clear subject lines: Make the purpose of your email immediately apparent.
  6. Include all relevant information: Invoice number, amount due, and due date should be in every email.
  7. Offer solutions: If a client is struggling to pay, be proactive in offering payment plans or other solutions.
  8. Keep records: Maintain a log of all communications for reference and potential legal purposes.
  9. Follow up with text or phone calls: If emails aren't effective, a personal call can often yield results.
  10. Express gratitude: Always thank your clients for their business, even when discussing overdue payments.

Leveraging Technology for Better Collection Processes

While well-crafted emails are essential, managing accounts receivable can become increasingly complex as your business grows. This is where accounts receivable automation software becomes invaluable.

At Tendro, we help companies like yours streamline their accounts receivable by providing:

  • Fully personalized messaging for each of your customers with modern payment options in your own branding
  • Dunning workflows for you to automate the collection process end-to-end with emails and phone calls
  • Advanced customization options for different customer bases and payment status
  • Seamless tracking of customer communication, payment history and disputes
  • Real-time analytics to help you understand payment trends and optimize your processes
  • Collection through our partnered law firms for your at-risk invoices for you to avoid debt collection agencies
Let Tendro automate your collections.


Effective collection emails are more than just payment reminders – they're a vital tool in maintaining healthy cash flow and preserving client relationships. By using these templates as a starting point and following best practices, you can create a robust system for managing your accounts receivable.

Remember, the key to success lies in consistent, professional, and personalized communication with your clients. As your business grows, consider solutions like Tendro to automate and optimize your collection processes.

Implementing these strategies can lead to:

  • Faster payment cycles
  • Improved cash flow
  • Reduced time spent on collections
  • Better client relationships
  • More time to focus on growing your business

Start implementing these email templates and best practices today to unlock your cash flow. Contact us today to learn how we can transform your AR process.

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